Hola Familia!,

For the past week it has been STUDY STUDY and
STUDY. Our whole day is just filled with things to do from studying
espanol, to studying the gospel, to practicing teaching
lessons. Well they force missionaries to get a haircut here I don't
know why and it doesn't matter how short they make you do it. Well I told the
guy just cut it a little bit cause I just had a haircut. I don't know why
but he cuts every guys hair crazy short like he shaves it off, and he
cuts everyone in the process or gives them bald spots. I HAVE TWO
in the front so I have no hair anymore....(I wanted to cry) Its whatever
though it grows back. I guess that's the culture out here but I'm not letting
my hair get cut that short again. Most missionaries that are white are going to
t Guatemala rather than other Central American countries. There's only
four of us here that are City Central because they just shipped out a
bunch there a week ago. There's a lot of hispanos going everywhere and from
everywhere. There is defiantly more hispanos then white people, especially out
in the mission field . There is three hermanas (sisters) in my
district which is only 7 people in total. It's really small
for a district!. But its fine I talk to everyone in the CCM. I already
made friends with all the North Americans and a lot of the Hispanos. MY Spanish
is coming along very well. I can truly testify of the gift of
tongues. I can already have conversations with any of the hispanos and I
make jokes with them all the time. They are all pretty funny.
Guatemala though is not a joke there is a lot of poverty, more then I even
expected. The city which is supposed to be the nicest part of the country
is like a Ghetto part of our cities . So I can't imagine the places I will
be going to. It is very humbling to be here. The nice thing
is everything here is crazy cheap! Garments cost like 15 cents a pair, if that
gives you a clear picture. It is very dangerous though a lot of people steal
and try to rob you there are guards that patrol and are always with us and
follow us when we go to the temple or certain buildings, just to make sure we
are protected. So we have body guards. They also guard the CCM and
make sure no one that doesn't belong gets into the building. Most
people don't mess with Elders especially Gringos because they know were
American and that we are involved with the Lord. They are very
superstitious. Its quit incredible how fast your testimony grows while you are
out here and learning. I have been personally been praying to receive
greater love for my mission and for people. I want to have a
greater desire to want to teach them, help them and give them charity. I
can already see it taking place. We have had many devotionals including
tonight, a Seventy will be speaking. In these meetings a lot
of the hispanos will get up and give their opinion or testimony and I cannot
tell you how impressed I am with them. They are very strong in the gospel
and have a great knowledge of it. My roommates are all
hispanos. They study diligently and hard. I remember in one
of my meetings just listening to them (in Spanish) bearing
their testimony or just simply saying what they know, or their thoughts on
something, and how I just had a deep respect and love for these people because
of how much they truly love their Father. I have also been
praying for me to gain the gift of tongues and to be able to learn and
communicate well in Spanish and I cannot tell you how much I am being
blessed with that and pray that I will continue to be blessed with that.
From day 1 I knew nothing and was so lost but by day 3 I could figure out what
they were saying to me, and progressively with a lot of patience and hard work
I'm starting to get it. It's still hard and I have a lot to learn but I
know that If I keep trying and praying I will be as fluent as you can be and
that excites me. I won't be able to send out letters this week cause I don't
have paper or envelops or stamps for that matter. I'll have to do
it next week sorry about that guys. Send me peoples email who want me to
email them I only get a hour on Tuesdays which is my P Day so I'll try to
type as fast as I can. Also send me addresses for those who
wants a letter. I got to go to the temple which was awesome.
It's really small but I really like it for some reason. They took my
electronics because they don't want people to steal them, sad but that's
what they do here. I can't send pictures. They have taken
some. I'll see if they will send some to me and I'll give them to you. Or
ask for my camera for little bit. We get to go on field trips every two
weeks. We get to go to Wal-Mart next week. It's sad when
that's what excites you but everyone is excited. Send me emails and
address and I'll try to write as much as I can. I got to go they're
ripping me off the computer.
I love you all and I love this church and gospel en
nuestro Padre Celestial. I'll talk to you what seems to me real soon. I
miss you (but I'm not homesick) which is good . I'll write you soon
with even more things.
Love Elder Toma
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