Well family,
As you can read from
the headline, yes there are changes but you will not believe them haha.

So it seems like that
will be the one leaving. It was incredibly
surprising to hear. Everybody thought it
was an error and I just thought that it was a joke the leaders were playing on
us. But no, it's the truth. My poor
companion will be staying and I will be going. I am the first elder to be
leaving Santiago so fast. As you know you
have to learn the language and culture and all that and that takes time, so
usually you can't do changes here, but I guess President wants to. I was a little sad that I would be leaving. I wanted to continue learning the language and
we have a ton of baptisms all ready to go!!
But I guess my companion will have to take care of them. And
I am ready to go where the Lord wants me to go and do what he wants me to do.
So tomorrow I will be going to changes and receive my new assignment so next
week you will all know what happened. I'm definitely asking the President why
he pulled me out so fast.

So we did have a miracle. . . we had a baptism of a complete family. It was incredible because
at first she didn't want to be baptized (the mom) But we had a very powerful
lesson with her and she said yes and was baptized this last Saturday and
confirmed Sunday. Also a crazy thing that happened is that I conducted the
sacrament meeting which was a first haha it was pretty cool.
So to answer questions, first I love President Markham. He is super outgoing and energetic and very
very nice. I feel that I can be more
open with him than my last one. He also teaches very well and knows how to
teach by the spirit which I know is what he does as well for changes. He is a very inspired guy.
Second question, yeah the food here is normal. It's a little touristy here so there's nice
places to eat haha (that's why I got fatter). Most people here really like hearing about
faith and the ability to repent the problem with them is to act upon it or in
other words BE BAPTIZED.
So first I know this
is the true Church of God with the authority to not only offer salvation to men
but EXALTATION. We are here to be tested but also to grow and to become more
like our Savior and Father in Heaven. And that the ability to change and be
forgiven is the GREATEST miracle of all. And that everything -- Church, Sunday
school, the scriptures are all guides for us to prepare and enter the HOUSE OF
THE LORD not just the HOUSE OF PRAYER like every Sunday. Everything that we
have is to help us to get in there and be worthy of it because it is in the
Temple that we can know our real potential, who we are what we need and to know
our God.
The mission is the most enriching, most developing experience
that you can have and there is nothing like it. It's a moment for YOU to give a
offering to the Lord and really isn't a sacrifice but a privilege. If you do it
right you won't come back the same but begin to find out who you really are and
what God WANTS YOU TO BE. But like they always say you have to complete 2 years
for it to be the BEST 2 years and I still have a lot to learn.
But the change you not only see in yourself but in others is
something that will become sacred to you and like it says in the scriptures how
great of joy you will have if you but save one soul. I testify that that is
true. And that there is literal power in the scriptures it's the mantel of God
that we have to be able to be healed. . .spiritually and physically.
But love you all have a good week
Elder Toma