Dear Family,
This week has been full and fun. I went on splits with my
district leader and absolutely killed him because in my area it's all hills and
you just absolutley die throughout the day. Ha ha, but that's what you should
do to your elders so that they know you aren't just fooling around. Also for this week we were blessed to have a
wedding!!! A golden family and then Sunday they were baptized. We had a "white
Sunday" which is where everyone one in the zone baptizes at the same place
and time. It was really great.
Also my old president left Friday for his home, which was
sad, but President Markham came that Friday and I met him at the activity that Sunday.
He seems really nice and enthusiastic
and I think it will be a good change with him.
But everything is really good here. It's crazy how fast this change has been. And
we are hoping to be baptizing another women this week named Erika so please
pray for her that she will be worthy to do it. It would be a lie to say that
this change has been easy because it hasn't. I have had a lot of problems with my companion
-- all about obedience and diligence -- and it has stressed me out pretty good
but I have been dealing with this for about 3 companions now, so I'm a little
use to it and know what to do to help them so that they can get back on track
and be good elders.
Well we have changes next week, I already know that I am changing
(Its good having your trainer be the AP). And I will be the one leaving which
is a little weird but it is what it is and I already know where I am going
to. And it's a place that is pretty
amazing and crazy too. So I am looking forward to that. It has been raining
about everyday and my companion has been sick just about everyday. But it
sounds like everybody is having fun back at home and mom I have received the
shoes don't worry they are in the house right now as a write this. And I know
that USA lost and also Japan so I have no interest anymore in the world cup
haha .
But I can't send photos yet because the dumb computer isn't
working and I have yelled at it in Spanish about five times, so I will have to
do it next week.
but I love you all
Elder Toma