Dear Family,

If you can understand the header haha yep it looks like I have
changes and I am going somewhere new. Don't know where if I had to put money on it I
would say the coast but we will see. Also something awesome, My companion is training!!! This doesn't happen much in the mission. Most missionaries don't or move up so
fast. This is the first time I have seen
it in since I have been here. I am so proud of that guy he is going to be awesome.
Thank you all for the birthdays., yes I ate cake it was awesome
and somehow everybody knew that it was my birthday and some of my converts even
wrote me and sent cards which was just the best. I think
the best gift I got were 2 miracle baptisms and a lot of investigators assisting
that was just great for me because it made me feel that God remembered me that

We had a fun Christmas
activity and there we met a family that is just golden other Elders invited
them to go to this activity and they came! and later we set up a appointment
with them and invited them to come to church and they did!! It was
a super awesome gift but my companion
will be the one to take advantage of it haha.
But the real miracle this week
was two more baptisms the first one is named Monica. She has been talking to the missionaries for
over a year!! She just came up to us
one day and said she wanted to be baptized so we taught her and baptized her on
my birthday.
Oh if you were wondering why i have a devil
pinata its because my birthday is on the day of the devil where they set on fire
and burn like devil pinata and trash so they did it as a joke haha
The second is a girl
named Carolina she is part of a family that we have been teaching for awhile
and baptized one of the girls but she has been really nervous about being
baptized and the day of her interview she just disappeared and she wasn't
answering her cell phone or anything!! We
were just running around everywhere just trying to find her but we couldn't. We kept praying that night that she could
just come to church just so that we could help her and the next day that prayer
was answered she came but not only that she wanted to get baptized and she
was!! So that was just on one of the best birthdays that I have had, I am very
grateful to have been here in this area.
For Christmas day we are going to Skype you but I will tell
you more of the details and all that
later because they haven't said anymore haha.
But I love you all talk to you later
Elder Toma
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