Dear Family,
As you have all known I have had changes from the last time
we talked and it looks like that I have come back to Barcenas again!! Just a
different part of it haha know I am just in the higher part not the lower one
like last time but it's the same ward and everything so I get to see my old
converts which is just awesome!!! Don't even know if you guys remember Barcenas
for so many areas I have had haha but it was the second one after my first. It
was also the very last change of my trainer Elder Osegura now miseal haha but
it was pretty dang sad haha we cried in the changes hah but he was one of the best
Elders I know for sure.
• Irma
• Andres
and Andrea • Eliseo
• Rosemarie
• Solestre and her family
thanks but yeah my Christmas package did arrive thanks
mommy!!!! I'll try to wait for Christmas to open it.
But thanks dad for the quotes I had some questions about
personal revelation and following the promptings of the spirit.
But to answer the question for mom the answer is that God has blessed me more then I deserve and I still don't get how I do it becuase I'm not that amazing of a Elder.
But I don't have anything else to say this week other that I
love you all a lot and don't be afraid to open your mouths and share the gift
that we have which is the true gospel of Jesus Christ
Love Elder Toma
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