Querido Familia,
This week has just been a week of craziness first we started
of our pday going to a auto safari which is like a zoo but in car that was
really cool and I have never gotten so close to a lion before I started to
freak out when our guide started to just go right for them and get close enough
that I could pet it if I wanted to. It was awesome.

but with that.....there is a sickness here that is called
chinkingua it’s a sickness that you get from mosquitos well I got it and it
absolutely wrecked me for three days ha-ha I was walking around like a zombie
just trying to teach everyone that we could. It got pretty bad though and the
first time in my mission I stayed home a day and just slept ha-ha I felt pretty
lazy but it felt awesome to sleep this sickness takes it out of you. So my pour
companion just worked all day with other members while I just slept ha-ha I
love the guy.
WE did though have a great Sunday we had what we call a
white Sunday were everybody in the zone baptisms and it turned out good it wasn’t
all of the baptisms that we hoped for but it was a lot. I’ve learned a lot this
change like our President likes to say that pain is the greatest teacher and
that is so true and well I can say is that I have learned a lot this
Well changes are next week and.... they’re going to be interesting
ha-ha we’ll have to wait and see but my time here in amatitlan is coming
to an end. It will be sad to say good bye here but ha-ha it will be nice to
through off this huge rock of stress but I think I’ll be putting on one that is
even bigger ha-ha so I don’t know which is better.

We as a mission have been changing a lot we are now
challenging people to be baptized on the first visit and because of it we know
have 2000 people that have accepted to be baptized on a specific day which is
just incredible and we hope and are working on getting more of these people actually
committed and ended up in the water just imagine 2000 being baptized at the same
time it would be another Pentecost. But it has taught me the power to have the
faith that god is preparing these people and they are waiting for you and with
the sprit you need to invite them and if you do it with love and the spirt they
will accept and then before you know it they will be in the water being
baptized one example of this is this lady we baptized last week in the white Sunday
her name is Villma or in English (Wilma) she was a lady we just found she had a
friend that invited her to go to chu8rhc and we saw her there we started to
talk to her and the very first visit we challenged her to be baptized she
accepted and got baptized the next week so you can see THEY exist there are
people that God knows and wants in his Church and there isn’t really anything
we can do to stop that all we can do is be a part of it by inviting others to
be a part of the true church of God.

We have another baptism of a lady that is the grandma of the
first counselor of the bishopric we just started teaching her she started to go
to church and she now has accepted to be baptized and she will be baptized this
Sunday her name is
Elvia Menendez so
please pray for her that she can be baptized this week and that the zone has right
now planned 13 others that will be baptized this week pray that they all can do
I love you all so much see you next week!!!
Elder Toma
Guatemala Ciudad Central Mission
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